Company Profile

J.P. Morgan places highest priority in hiring and developing talent to ensure they have the best people in the right roles. They do this by supporting employees, making sure they have the right tools, resources and training to be successful and to progress their careers. 

Since 2015, the bank has a 1-year apprenticeship programme for polytechnic graduates in Singapore to experience working in corporate, operations, finance and technology roles. 

To complement its global initiatives, J.P. Morgan has leveraged on programmes such as Finance Associate Management Scheme (FAMS), International Postings programme (iPost), Work Study Programme and Asian Financial Leaders Scheme (AFLS) to strengthen its local  talent pipeline and development.  The bank also actively engages the community in various technology-related initiatives to encourage youths to develop innovative solutions and solve real-world problems for non-profit organisations.  

JP Morgan
Advance Award (2022), Asset management

JP Morgan